IAEA som ser som sin uppgift att skaffa uran till civila och militära kärnkraftverk rapporterar om läget i Japan men har också ett samarbete med WHO och FAO om cancerbehandling i utvecklingsländer. Detta må man studera närmare, samband finns ju mellan strålning och cancersjukdom, urangruvor och utvecklingsländer (Malawi, Namibia, Niger mfl), uranvapen och Mellanöstern och Balkan och snart även norra Afrika(?).
Här om cancer och
här om rapport om Fukushima 1 Dai-ichi, som anses ha fortsatt allvarligt läge. Modeller av spridning i havet hämtad från länken:
I think its an unholy alignment between two unethical organizations. When I read carefully and then clicked the links, I can't sleep.. IAEA is already an unethical dangerous organization which has promoted itself first and foremost as the ONLY "reliably" energy alternative outside of the Oil industry. It has successfully sequestered information and new energy possibilities outside of oil and nuclear-- an island like Japan has volcanic activity, certainly this kind of heat could turn a turbine? But its "cheaper" energy with nuclear (and supposedly no carbon footprint which is too much in emphasis) but what about the real cost?
SvaraRaderaThe cost of the environment, the cost of life, the cost of humanity and still this evil cabal which only exists because of the development of atomic weapons has made itself indispensable in the normal world.. where people talk about the environment, reliability and economic gains..
I'm sorry I don't post this in Swedish, but its not my first language and you do very well in English. You have an understanding of what is going on.
Thank you for your clear sight.